2 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba


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Melissaand I were recently were invited to attend the San Francisco Ballet andparticipate in the Allegro Circle pre-dinner and post show toast where we hadthe honor of hearing Helgi Tómasson, Artistic Director and Principal Choreographerof San Francisco Ballet, give a toast to all involved in the evening's Premiere. 
We also had the opportunity to meet many ofthe principal dancers including Prima Ballerina's Yuan Yuan Tan and Maria Kochetkova.  Maria and I had a goodchance to talk about art and ballet (given she is Russian her heritageappreciates the deep connection with art and ballet) and she appreciated thedrawing I did of her in December.
I recently completed this painting of Yuan Yuan Tan inOnegin, a  ballet based on a novelin verse written by Alexander Pushkin and a classic of Russian literature. Onegin was a theme also painted by Russian Master Ilya Repin. Aside fromseeing the moving performance, I referenced photographs of Onegin taken by the talentedErik Tómasson, son of Helgi and resident photographer at the ballet.
Afterthe painting appropriately dries then varnished and framed, we will showingnext year and upon future sale donating 50% of proceeds to Allegro Circle ofthe San Francisco Ballet in honor of friend and great patron of the arts whoinvited us. 

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