My friend, Dr. Larry Deutsch died of complications of CLL. He was only 66 years old, a well respected family doctor, an honest medical writer, (see Calorie Wars) and gifted hypnotist with offices in Ottawa and New York City.
We met in person at CLLPAG in Niagara Falls last April, but had been internet pals for a long time before that. We had worked on some hypnosis audio files to help deal with the stress of CLL. He was headed to Socal for a visit next week, but sepsis intervened first.
He was a kind and thoughtful physician and a good friend, full of life, hope and plans for the future. A life cut short. I will miss him and our many Skype calls.
I am way too sad to write much today. More later on the possible painful lessons from this tragedy.
Cancer sucks.
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