11 Aralık 2012 Salı

Last Call for Eye to the Telescope's Asian American Speculative Poetry Issue!

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Last Call! As guest-editor of Eye to the Telescope's January issue, I'm looking for Asian American speculative poems (touching on science fiction, fantasy, horror, mythology, etc.)

Eye to the Telescope, a magazine of speculative poetry, is seeking poems drawn from fantasy, science fiction, mythology, and slipstream. Contributors or poem elements should have some connection to Asian America for the January 2013 Issue’s theme on Asian American Speculative Poetry.

Eye to the Telescope is particularly interested in multicultural, multilingual work that brings forward emerging voices, especially from perspectives often underrepresented in existing literature. Work that considers race, gender, sexuality, identity and/or disability issues is welcome. There are no style limitations although shorter works preferred. Submissions should be previously unpublished.

Send work to thaoworra@gmail.com by Dec. 1, 2012 for consideration. http://eyetothetelescope.com

I'm extending the deadline to Midnight, Dec. 2, 2012, due to special requests.

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