What is a foodie? Wikipedia defines a foodie as“an informal term for a particular class of aficionado of food and drink”.The always-entertaining Urban Dictionary defines a foodie as “a person that spends a keenamount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the properpreparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients andexemplary preparation. A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, onlyenjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensivefoods; though, that is a variety of foodie.”
Withall the foodie festivities going on in Laguna Beach in March, we wanted to makesure we were answering the foodie call, while staying true to who we are – a casual,come-as-you-are, beach-vibe hotel and restaurant. With all that in mind, we’vedecided to do our Snack, Sip, and Surf event again this year. We will cometogether with some of our favorite neighboring restaurants for a little surprisefood showcase (hint: it has something to do with seafood). We’ll also bring insome of our favorite spirits to add a little cocktail contest. We let ourguests choose their favorites, while feasting their eyes on the excitementbrought in by Hobie and their paddle board contest. And all of it is forcharity. We think that hits the foodie aspects, stays true to who we are, andis just plain fun! Do you agree?
Proceedswill benefit Surfrider Foundation here in South Orange County. Ticketsare $45 per person. Spaceis limited.
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