Will is giving away signed and numbered limited edition prints of of the line drawing at the bottom of the page to the first 50 who arrive, but the main reason to come will be the fun people with at least 3 generations of art lover and bon vivants, the wonderful creative vegetarian food, and the amazing art. This has been happening annually for 7 years and is always a good time.
Here is the EVITE:
Hi Everyone, hope you can join me for my show this year at Avanti Cafe! The opening will be on Saturday, January 26 from 6 to 9 pm.
Here's all the official info:
Open to the public
Join us for a Costa Mesa tradition, the 7th annual art opening event with Will Koffman.
This exhibition will present a selection of new fine art works rendered with bleach as well as a gallery of small plein air oils.
All works will be available for sale.
Avanti Cafe259 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa, California 92627View Map · Get Directions

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