My white blood count and lymphocytes doubled but only from six to twelve and from two to four respectively, but everyone seemed happy with those numbers.
Dr. Bryd says the rise in the lymphocyte count is not a prerequisite indicator of the ibrutinib working. Not at all. I had expected a much higher jump up in the ALC (lymphocytes) with my nodes shrinking so much and the unanchored clonal B cells needing to go somewhere, but Byrd said that in those such as me with ofatumumab already aboard, may not get as big an inflection in the counts.
Hgb is stable but still a touch low, eosinophils are up a bit again, and neutrophils and platelets are all good.
My GI issues are manageable and should gradually improve. Apparently they are more common on those of us like me with big abdominal nodes. They usually decrease over a few weeks. Makes sense.
And Dr. Byrd says he reads my blog. I feel honored.
The news is very very good. Still tired and muscle pains, but happy. More soon.
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