14 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Snow White Through the (Hollywood) Years

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Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony … sound fa­mil­i­ar? Few have res­isted the le­gendary story of Snow White and her sev­en dwarfs, and many have told their own ver­sions of the tale. Here’s a look at the ori­gin of the fairest of them all, who’s re­peatedly cap­tured Hol­ly­wood’s heart in re­cent years.
I have such a huge backlog of Snow White posts! This is one of them: a dynamic timeline published by the LA Times which takes you through incarnations and retellings of Snow White, mainly in entertainment, since published by the Grimm's in their Household Tales

Unfortunately it's nowhere near comprehensive, though people who haven't followed the tale over the years may learn a few things. It jumps from 1812 to 1912 and the only "book" referenced is Bill Willingham's Fables.

Still it's fun to click through and take a look, though it's clearly missing a ton of published works and less popularly known films and series nods I would have like to have seen included.

You can see the timeline and take a hop, skip and jump through the popular history of Snow White HERE.

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