
No one will be sadder than Ben, born in 1993 with autism. It wasn't until he went on the Snow White's Scary Adventures ride in WDW at age nine that he finally started communicating and being "present" with regard to the world around him. He has since been on the ride almost 3200 times. You can read his touching story, in four very readable parts, starting HERE (links provided too the next sections).

HERE, written by Ben's

Although I never had the privilege to go on the Orlando version of the ride, the Disneyland version is one of the few attractions that not only brings back the experience of watching the movie but immerses you within it. I gather the experience in Orlando did this to a much greater extent and, personally, don't truly understand why they didn't just revamp/update the attraction (if they had to at all) with all the immersive technology now available.

The awesome and amazing Filmic Light blog (which is THE place to visit for all things regarding Disney's first feature animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) has a special post with a rare glimpse at the SWSA ride with the lights on. You can see it HERE.

It's one of the last rides that has its roots in what Walt approved for the original Disneyland so there's a large chunk of history disappearing as I write. The attraction is being replaced, ultimately, by the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train roller coaster ride, complete with cutting-edge technology and due to open in 2014. It is, however a "ride" and not an attraction as per Scary Adventures so I feel that's a loss, though Snow White will still be represented in some form. While Walt meant - the best way - for the park to be ever evolving, to have it happen like this isn't probably what he had in mind. The space where Scary Adventures entertained people for over 40 years will host the new Princess Fairytale Hall, a Disney Princess meet-n-greet spot...

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