But first when I last left you, I was walking to the back of the plane to see who needed medical attention.
To see if I could help?
To see if was putting myself at risk/
What I found in the last row was a man in his early 50s acutely short of breath with an oxygen mask on, very afraid for his life.
Less than a minute after arrived, t was being asked should we divert the plane to Las Vegas. (What power. I should have said that Hawaii was a better choice).
I took a brief medical history. Turns out my patient suffered from chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). I had had one patient with that rare disorder years ago. It is a bit like MS in that the sufferers develop an auto-immunity against their own myelin sheaths so the nerves, especially the motor nerves getting weaker and weaker. If CIDP involves the respiratory muscles, life threatening shortness of breath is a rare but real possibility. Pneumonia can also occurs with a decrease cough reflex.
He denied chest pain. No calf swelling or tenderness. No cough or fever. No new new meds or foods. No history of asthma or severe allergic reactions. No other major medical issues.
I used the emergency stethoscope that the steward provided. I could hear no air moving in and out. A very very bad sign. Then I listen to the heart. Again I heard nothing. But my patient had a normal pulse. And he was not turning blue or had any altered mentation. In fact there was none of the classic signs of respiratory distress- nasal flaring, using accessory muscles, tracheal tugging. Maybe the CIDP was obscuring them? I retrieved my own stethoscope from my seat. Still nothing. Then I listen to my own heart. Nothing. The problem of course was the volume of the ambient noise, not that my patient had no air entry into the lungs and that his heart had ceased beating. I didn't asked if they could turn the engines off for a few minutes so I could listen in the quiet, but the thought did cross my mind for a moment.
He had an infusion of IVIG the day before and was worried about the effect of flying so soon afterward. Now I have great personal familiarity with flying right after IVIG. I have done it dozens of time without a blink or blip. I plan my long foreign trips around my IVIG and try to get it just before I leave for exotic lands. He was very reassured by this.
We chatted more. He was able to talk without gasping or halting. He was felling better, less air hungry. We walked up to first class. His gait was weak and his hands shaky. CPID has devastated his muscles.
No need to divert the plane.
We talked about his family, my leukemia, his treatment. The oxygen mask came off. He was smiling, relaxed, feeling OK again. I gave him my contact information.
His panic attack was over. I still had the paramedics meet the plane and take over his care. After all I had yet to really auscultate his lungs. I could have missed a pulmonary embolism or a cardiac issue or....
That afternoon back home at last, I got a call from a dear friend, a fellow family doctor with CLL living in Canada just admitted to the neuro-ICU with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Was it related to the weird immune system us CLLers share? Was it totally unrelated? Seeing as no-one knows the cause of CIDP, it is anyone'e guess.
What are the odds? Two cases of an exceedingly rare disorder on the same day.
Synchroncity? Where is Dr. Jung when I need him?
I had done my doctorly thing. It ended well. I could talk to my Canadian friend with some fresh knowledge of CIDP from the research I did after I landed.
The steward asked for my frequent flier number as I was leaving the plane. Maybe I will even get some miles out of just doing what I do.
One last puzzle piece. When I got down to baggage claim, another doctor who was on our flight walked up to me too thank me for jumping in. He was being treated for cancer and didn't want to take the risk of offering to help due to his lowered immunity.
Don't be judgmental.
We all make decisions. If the patient that I had found at the back of the plane had not had a panic attack on top of a rare neuromuscular disorder, but was suffering from a much more common condition such as severe asthmatic bronchitis, putting anyone such as me or the more reluctant doctor at grave danger and with little to offer in the way of help, his decision would have been the correct one, not mine.
It is good to be lucky.
I promise more lucky news soon from my ibrutinib trial at OSU.
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